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Embody Your Inner Child ~ Women's Retreat

All Parts of You are Welcome Here!

Connect in Sacred Sisterhood, Nurture your Inner Child and Feel at Home in your Body.

June 14-17, 2024 at the Eaglesnest Sanctuary in Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, BC

You are invited...

Please, take your seat in the circle and drop in with us.

We'll be spending 4 days + 3 nights connecting together in a safe, sacred AND silly space.

We know how important it is to tune in, listen to and nurture your inner child.

The younger version of you that may have had to grow up too quick and didn't get to play and explore like you wanted.

The younger version of you that likely didn't receive the attention, validation and unconditional love you so desired. 

The little girl that weathered many storms and in turn made you the strong woman you are today.

We know it can be a challenge to fully accept your journey and love yourself exactly as you are now.

We know the pain of wanting so badly to be your most wild, uninhibited and unfiltered self...

But not exactly feeling safe to do so.

We get it. We've been there.

We've also fumbled through acceptance, owning our story, loving on ourselves and stepping into unbridled joy.

Now, we are here to hold space for you to do the same.

Remember those days of sweet freedom before we were conditioned to behave like good little girls?!

Embody Your Inner Child Retreat is all about Connection, Vulnerability, Unconditional Love, Freedom and PLAY.

We are peeling back the many layers of societal conditioning and expectations to:


There is SO MUCH POWER in:

  • learning about ourselves
  • truly knowing ourselves
  • courageously sharing our authentic selves

To witness and be seen by others, especially in a safe sisterhood setting, can be a major catalyst for growth and transformation.

I see you, you see me. We are all seen, held, and loved - exactly as we are.

No conditions, no judgements, no expectations - only Raw, Pure LOVE in it's highest form.

Women leave these retreats feeling grounded, rejuvenated, inspired, motivated, supported and confident!

AND you get to move forward in life with new soul sisters!!

So... If you're craving depth, connection, exploration, support, authenticity, and unconditional LOVE...

Come, surrender to the ebbs and flows of the Universe in circle with your sisters.

You can sit with us.

We've saved a seat for you.

What is "Embodiment"?

"Embodiment is a malleable state of being in which you feel connected and attuned to your body and senses.

It is a state of being that is meta-aware, which is to say attentive to the feeling body without deconstructing it.

It is a state in which the mind listens to the body."

"Embodiment practices use the body as a tool for healing through self-awareness, mindfulness, connection, self-regulation, finding balance, and creating self-acceptance. Embodiment explores the relationship between our physical being and our energy. It involves the interaction of our body, thoughts, and actions."

Benefits of Embodiment Practices:

  • Feel More Connected to Yourself + the Universe

  • Relax Into Knowing You Are Whole, Always

  • Step into Your Power as a Feminine Being in Flow

  • Pivot from Self Sabotage to Self Awareness (Move Away from Autopilot & Towards Consciousness)

  • Learn to Self-Regulate and Choose Love Even During the Hardest Challenges

  • Boost Your Confidence in Daily Life Choices & Ability to Flow Through Your Day with More Ease

  • Cultivate Strong Self Acceptance for All Stages & Seasons of Your Life as a Woman

  • Clarity on Who You Are + Who You Want to Be

  • Offerings at the Retreat:

  • Sacred Ceremonies, Journaling, Sharing Circles

  • Daily Yoga + Meditation

  • Inner Child Work and Playful Experiences

  • Embody Your Inner Child Workshop

  • Ecstatic Dance Journeys

  • Sauna, Hot Tub, River Dips

  • Inner Child Photoshoots - Solo & Group

  • Delicious, Nutritious + Nourishing Meals

  • Nature Therapy + Adventure Hikes

  • Meet Your Goddess Guides

    Get to know the women who are holding space for you while you Embody Your Inner Child:

      Emily Bailey

      Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Yoga Counsellor, Kids Yoga Facilitator

      Emily has been a yoga teacher for the past decade and has a passion for helping others to speak their truth by shining light onto the dark, and to be the most authentic version of themselves. Her silly and playful energy is infused into everything that she offers while holding safe space for others to feel themselves and dive deeper into who they truly are. The practices of yoga and meditation have helped Emily to remove the layers of conditioning and become a channel to support others in their healing journey. She cannot wait to support, move, breathe, and dance with you.

      Ashleigh Clark

      Holistic Health Coach, Ecstatic Dance Facilitator

      Passionate about truth, authenticity, self love, healthy habits, intentional living, connecting with Nature, working with energy and vibrations, DANCE and PLAY and any free form movement that FEELS good, tapping into flow state and nourishment for the Whole Self; mind, body + soul.

      Ashleigh gets really excited to help others step into their power through curiosity, awareness, exploration, experimentation, embodiment & conscious choice. It's been a long journey through many dark nights of the soul and Ashleigh is here to Share Love + Shine Light in the world and support others in doing the same. Let's rise up together!

      Mandy Tjart

      Women's Empowerment Photographer

      Mandy is on a mission to empower women to love themselves exactly as they are, right here right now. She has a special gift for helping women feel comfortable in their own skin! She's excited to drop into this retreat with us to connect and play and she's very excited to offer beautiful memories via photos of you Embodying Your Inner Child.

    The Time Has Come...

    If you've made it this far, we're going to bet you're deeply craving what we're offering here;

    connection, self-awareness + self-acceptance, a healthier lifestyle, spiritual growth,

    authenticity, alignment, balance, ease, unconditional love, and of course PLAY!

    Retreats are such a special place to get real with yourself and others.

    These spaces can be major catalysts for growth and transformation.

    Women leave feeling like refreshed, upgraded versions of themselves.

    We know the power of these spaces and that's exactly why we're doing this work.

    It may feel scary to open your mind and heart to your Inner Child,

    especially if you've experienced heartbreak and grief and have abandonment wounds...

    But we're here to support you in the process of truly knowing You Are Enough exactly as you are.

    We derive so much joy and gratitude from being able to offer this to YOU, our sister,

    and we are cheering you on to make the conscious choice to drop in with us,

    ready to welcome whatever comes up for you in each moment.

    All parts of you are welcome here.

    Ready to Drop In!

    Energy Exchange

    All Inclusive Investment into Yourself:

    $888 Early Bird until May 1st

    ($222 down to secure your spot with a payment plan)

    $999 Regular Price after May 1st

    ($333 down to secure your spot with a payment plan)

    Only 9 spots available!

    5 Single Beds (Group Room)

    2 Single Beds (Shared Room)

    1 Bunkbed (Shared Room)

    Sister, Are You Ready?

    The Sisterhood of Embodied Retreats

    We know the power of gathering in community and connecting within sacred sisterhood.

    We are building a community of strong, open minded, loving, vulnerable, empowered women,

    and it just keeps e x p a n d i n g.

    The doors are wide open and we are stoked to welcome more women into this wild + wonderful world of embodied consciousness.


    Where we get to feel SO FREE and SO IN LOVE with being our TRUE Self!


    SO confident in who we are and how we choose to show up in this world.

    "Why the Embody Your Inner Child Retreat?"

    We believe this is a very important layer to nurture for a woman rising on her spiritual journey.

    Once we start to uncover and honour the ways that societal conditioning has taught us we are both not enough and too much,

    that's when we start to see our innate truth, we unlearn the ingrained programming and we take our damn power back!

    Taking our power back means we decide that we are good enough, we are worthy, we matter, and we deserve love...


    Truly, we deserve to fully love ourselves and be loved by others, unconditionally,

    for all of our messy yet beautiful layers that come with being a human!

    We deserve to know pure innocence, pure joy, pure laughter, pure intuition and pure intentions.

    When we show up in the world leading with a healed inner child instead of a wounded one,

    we get to operate from a more authentic and loving foundation instead of our subconscious running the show.

    And from this grounded, aware + secure place, we get to feel at home in our body and in alignment with our true selves.


    We make more empowered decisions for every single choice presented to us every single day.

    So, are you ready to stop preventing that little girl inside from being wild and free?

    Are you ready to let her out of her cage?

    Are you ready to accept all of her (you)?

    Are you ready to love yourself exactly as you are?

    Can you feel the freedom within that beckons you?

    Can you feel the freedom within on the other side of your repressed inner child?

    Can you feel the freedom, play, love, joy, innocence, curiosity, expression, and whimsy begging to be unleashed?

    It's okay if you can't, yet.

    Because YOU WILL!

    But being open and willing to explore, experiment, and embody is a necessity.

    Take a moment right now to feel into what it's like to have already stepped fully into nurturing your inner child.

    Picture yourself as the woman with healed childhood wounds, that speaks up for herself with love and respect,

    who doesn't hesitate to speak highly of herself and will confidently share her wants, needs and desires.

    Are you ready for this next level quantum leap?

    Come, Embody Your Inner Child with us.

    There's a reason you're here.

    Grab Your Spot Now Before It's Full









    What Other Goddesses are Saying about our Retreats...

    "We created a sisterhood where we could laugh, be vulnerable, be wild and be our true selves. I felt completely and utterly at ease to express and be myself. Thank you for this magical experience and for our continued sisterhood of love and support."

    ~ Goddess Tina 

    "Ashleigh and Emily held purposeful space for us all to connect and witness each others evolution. They planned intentional ceremonies that built on our own intentions individually, and that brought us deeper and deeper into ourselves over the weekend. Creeping closer to our embodied truth, they held safe space for us to move there tenderly and as we felt ready." 

    ~ Goddess Becky

    Em and Ash created such a safe container and foundation for us to sink into very deep healing. The bonds that we have created from this retreat are truly everlasting, sisterhood bonds. The support that I receive during, and after the retreat have been so healing for me, and I am forever grateful for this experience. 

    ~ Goddess Preston

    Friday June 14 to Monday June 17, we gather at the beautiful riverside Eaglesnest Sanctuary in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island to co-create a sacred Sisterhood container for all of us to THRIVE, together!

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